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The Secret Life of a Binge Eater - How to Beat Binge and Emotional Eating for Life: Kat Loterzo: Kindle Store


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The Secret Life of a Binge Eater - How to Beat Binge and Emotional Eating for Life

Book Description

You can be free of binge and emotional eating for life, and you can start now.

I believe that breaking free of binge eating has nothing to do with willpower and everything to do with understanding your why. l

What are you running from? What is it you're trying to push down, or deal with? And what do you really need?l

You're Not Alone

It's time to speak the truth bingeing. And the truth is this - no matter how bad you think you are, you are not alone. Everyday I speak with women who are emotional eaters. Compulsive. The common thread is not just that they feel unable to stop the urge to eat and eat and eat, but that they feel completely alone. As though nobody else acts this way, eats this way.

The typical binge eater is successful. Driven. A high achiever. I work with women who are fit, in shape, in control, leaders. Women whose friends come to them and wonder how they do it all. Women who feel that they are falling apart and that nobody would possibly understand who they really are.

In The Secret Life of a Binge Eater I share some of the stories of these women, and I share the story of my own decade long journey as a bulimic and binge eater - all the while working as a fitness and health 'guru'.

If I can break free of binge and emotional eating for life, then so too can you.

You Have Nothing To Be Ashamed Of

This disease, this compulsion? It's nothing to be ashamed of. I want you to know that.

It's not that you are weak. Have poor willpower, or discipline. Just look at other areas of your life if you want proof! But because it is something we learn to hide, to do only in private, it's easy to surround it with shame. To feel terrified of anyone finding out. Well -

You don't have to share your story publicly as I have done (it took me years to build up the courage to do, but I'm so glad I did). But just in reading this book know this -

It's okay to love yourself, even though you overeat.

It's okay to be proud of yourself.

It's okay to create your dream life.

And you can and will break free of this.

Your Binge Eating Is A Sign of Something Missing.

The truth is that your eating, your bingeing, is simply a sign of something that is missing.

It's pushing down stress. Or helping you deal with a life not quite on purpose. Helping you to escape the reality that you don't want to face.

You Can Be Free - For Life. Let Me Show You How.

I will show you how to figure our where your bingeing stems from. I'll teach you specific exercises and mantras to use to give yourself what you need in a healthy way. To understand yourself.

It's not about 'distraction techniques'. It's about getting to the heart of this beast. Recognising too, that it has served you in some way.

And day by day, creating the life you actually want to live so that the need to eat slowly but surely just - fades away.

This can be your reality. And it can start today.

About The Author

I've been a successful personal trainer, nutrition coach, and fitness and fat loss writer for 15 years now.

I spent over 10 of those years binge eating, and about 7 of those years (off and on) as a bulimic.

Nobody knew.

I was successful, in shape, admired.

Broken, full of despair, certain I could never escape.

Slowly I was able to escape the clutches of binge eating and create my dream life. As I did so, I recorded my story and eventually the stories of countless other women. I also recorded the journaling and mindset work I had to do to break free. I'm so honoured to be able to share this with you, and help you too to become free of binge and emotional eating for life.

You deserve the very best beautiful. Life is NOW. Press Play :)

Kat Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much: A 4-Step, 8-Week Plan to Finally Lose the Weight, Manage Emotional Eating, and Find Your Fabulous Self (Audible Audio Edition): Colette Baron-Reid: Books


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Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much: A 4-Step, 8-Week Plan to Finally Lose the Weight, Manage Emotional Eating, and Find Your Fabulous Self
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Q.U.I.T Emotional Eating: Advice On How To Quit Emotional Eating In 4 EASY Steps (New Beginnings Collection): William Briggs: Kindle Store


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Q.U.I.T Emotional Eating: Advice On How To Quit Emotional Eating In 4 EASY Steps (New Beginnings Collection)

Book Description

Do you grab a pint of ice cream when you are having a bad day?

Do you find yourself heading for the fridge whenever you are upset?

Do you find your cookie jar empty in the morning after you binged on them the night before?

Emotional eating is a common problem. In fact, emotional eating is a fairly normal human reaction. There will always be stress factors in the workplace or at home. There will always be deadlines. There will always be telephone calls to make. There will always be someone that will nag you for one thing or another. On the other hand, if you find yourself unable to control yourself eating after you feel any emotion, this is a problem. Fortunately, this is a problem that can be fixed. All it takes is a desire to stop emotional eating, learning about emotional eating and what causes it, understanding that you are the only one responsible for your eating regardless of external influences, and an open mind to the ways to cease your emotional eating. This is the basis for QUIT, the four steps to stop emotional eating.

QUIT is a four step method to quit emotional eating. Like the acronym ROY G BIV you learned in elementary school to remember the colors of the rainbow, QUIT is an acronym to help you remember the four steps.

Q stands for "Question Yourself about Your Emotional Eating." It is important to question yourself about your emotional eating because this will give you an understanding about why you want to stop and why you binge the way you do.

U stands for "Understand What the Problem Is." Equally important as questioning yourself about your emotional eating is making an effort to understand what the fundamental problem is. Many people will say they have a problem but have no idea what the problem is. There are many reasons why people emotionally eat and it is important to understand what drives you to emotionally eat.

I stands for "I Am the Sole Decision Maker in My Choice to Stop Emotionally Eating." It is important that you stop because you want to stop not because someone else wants you to stop. You are the one who makes the decisions about you every moment of every day. You can't blame others for your decisions.

T stands for "Take control and Think Positive." We cover different ways you can stop emotional eating and other information that will aid you in your journey to stop emotional eating.

And there you have it – QUIT, the four steps to stop your emotional eating.

Then this book is for you.

Download it right now and start your "New Beginning" today!

Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners: Sigmund Freud, Jim Killavey: 9781469259512: Books


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Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners

Book Description

January 15, 2013 In 1899 Freud wrote a revolutionary work in the new field of Psychoanalysis called, The Interpretation of Dreams. The book was so full of technical details and involved so many case studies, however, that ordinary people had great difficulty understanding it. Twenty-one years later, he published this shorter version. Dr. Andre Tridon, who wrote the introduction to the new book, explains it this way, "Freud himself, however, realized the magnitude of the task which the reading of his magnum opus imposed upon those who have not been prepared for it by long psychological and scientific training and he abstracted from that gigantic work the parts which constitute the essential of his discoveries. The publishers of the present book deserve credit for presenting to the reading public the gist of Freud's psychology in the master's own words, and in a form which shall neither discourage beginners, nor appear too elementary to those who are more advanced in psychoanalytic study. Dream psychology is the key to Freud's works and to all modern psychology. With a simple, compact manual such as Dream Psychology, there shall be no longer any excuse for ignorance of the most revolutionary psychological system of modern times."

Product Details

  • Audio CD
  • Publisher: Inspirational Classics; Unabridged edition (January 15, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1469259516
  • ISBN-13: 978-1469259512
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 5 x 0.5 inches

Are You Dreaming?: Exploring Lucid Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide: Daniel Love: Kindle Store


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Are You Dreaming?: Exploring Lucid Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide

Book Description

'Just about everything you could possibly need to know about lucid dreaming. A thoroughly enjoyable, compendious and insightful guide for those interested in exploring their inner worlds.' - Dr Keith Hearne

Discover the Universe Inside your Mind

Astonishingly, there is around a 1 in 10 chance that you are dreaming at any given moment... including right now!

Every night, you adventure inwards to a universe made from the very fabric of your being: your dreams. Dreaming accounts for around 11% of your daily experience and, amazingly, each year you will spend an entire month dreaming. What if you could 'wake up' to this mysterious world, to learn to consciously explore the inner depths of your mind? Such an experience is indeed possible. It is called 'Lucid Dreaming'.

Isn't it time you woke up to your dreams?

Lucid dreaming is a scientifically verified and learnable skill by which you become aware that you are dreaming, whilst dreaming. Such knowledge imbues you with an almost unlimited control over your dreaming adventures. The power of lucid dreaming will also greatly enhance your waking life, opening new avenues of creativity, confidence, self-improvement, problem-solving, philosophical exploration and so much more. A universe of opportunity awaits you.

Master the art of lucid dreaming

In this deeply comprehensive and modern guide to lucid dreaming, expert lucid dreamer and oneirologist, Daniel Love, will aid you on your unique journey through the fascinating exploration of your mind. This book brings the subject of conscious dreaming fully up to date, including the latest discoveries, research, techniques and much more. It is the perfect guide to help you unlock the hidden potential of your dreams, catering for both beginners and advanced lucid dreamers alike.
'Are You Dreaming?' is a no-nonsense approach to this enthralling phenomenon and is simply one of the most thorough, accessible and in-depth contemporary guides to exploring and mastering lucid dreaming.


My Little Texas Tornado: Ruby Vines, Cathy McElhaney: Kindle Store


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My Little Texas Tornado

Book Description

Colt Daniels is a Texas rancher known for his award winning steaks. The king rancher has known his good neighbor and vintner, Mr. Moon for years. In fact, he recommends the Moon Wines as the ideal label paired with his mouth watering steaks. When Mr. Moon dies and leaves the vineyard to his long lost niece, Savannah Moon, Colt offers to show her the ropes since the California girl is clueless, not only about Texas but about wine. Even his Southern Charm is lost on the snob who doesn't even have the decency to thank him for saving her life her first day in town.

Thing is, he ain't cut out to train someone he can't stand, even if Mr. Moon was like a grandfather to him. But there's no denying it, the Moons know how to grow ' and women. Savannah isn't a woman he can easily forget. Bitchy or not, he finds reasons to teach her about grapes, among other things. And while he's finding reasons to stomp the grapes with his new neighbor, a plan is brewing to bring the wine heiress down.

Come back, Blizzard Bride! - Sweet Western Romance: Sharaya Lee: Kindle Store


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Come back, Blizzard Bride! - Sweet Western Romance

Book Description

The author of the best-selling "Blizzard Bride" presents:

Come back, Blizzard Bride!
Sweet Romantic Old West Novella
57 pages

January 1880
Georgia O'Reilly Langdon, the Blizzard Bride, is the happiest woman in the West, since she married Nate Langdon, who found her during the storm and nursed her back to life.
When she returns from a visit to her far-away parents, she finds a strange woman in the cabin with Nate.
Hurt and heartbroken, she leaves.
Did Nate betray her?

If you also want to know how Nate found Georgia, how they fell in love and got married, enjoy the prequel, Sharaya's best-selling Kindle-novella "Blizzard Bride." Available right here on Amazon.

Also check out Sharaya's latest: "The Runaway Mail Order Bride"

Sharaya Lee owns a collie dog, two guitars, and lives in the countryside with her family.

Sharaya Lee and Sherman Lee share a desk. If you liked this story, please check out also Sherman's ranking Western "They Knew No Mercy," available for Kindle and in paperback right here on Amazon.