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Wounded? Survive! Thrive!!!: Jennifer S. Wilkov, Cathy L. Greenberg, Millie McGhee-Morris, Viki Winterton: Kindle Store


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Wounded? Survive! Thrive!!!

Book Description

To support women across the globe, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to V-Day: Active in 81 countries, V-Day works to end violence against women and girls, and Harford Family House.

In a time when the world seems depressed economically and emotionally, it is easy to find people who are wounded, difficult to find people who are surviving, and sometimes it seems nearly impossible to tap into those who are truly thriving in their lives.

As women, we must pull together in a time like this to share our stories of triumph as a means to lift one another up, encourage each other, and spur each other on toward a time where we can all thrive together!

Each of us can think of a woman in our lives that—despite her trials and adversity—seemed to pick herself up, dust herself off, and pull herself together. She may not even know how much you looked up to her. Some of us had mothers or grandmothers, teachers or mentors, who paved the way for us—illustrating what a thriving woman should look like, no matter how she got there or what incredible hardships she may have faced.

Every woman faces abuse, sometimes of multiple types. Women are beaten, sexually assaulted, harassed, and held back every day due to no fault of their own. Abuse in the workplace is common in many fields. Divorce, health concerns, and accidents are becoming more prevalent every day. We are carrying a tremendous load, most of us while we are trying to balance home, family, marriage, children, friends, career…it is daunting and exhausting.

So, how do we survive, much less thrive?

This invaluable resource is a collection of history. Each woman who shares her testimony of trials, abuse, sexual assault, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, or persecution will leave an imprint on your heart forever. These resilient women have lived through nightmares and not only survived, but found ways to THRIVE!

The powerful testimonies of unfathomable struggles, deep hurts, dark moments, pain, and loneliness will illuminate the picture of how grateful they are now. Their struggles made them stronger. Surviving through some of the most difficult of situations taught these brave women resilience, strength, and faith.

Wounded? Survive! THRIVE!!! is a priceless work that will encourage and inspire you to be triumphant over your own situation. Maybe you are experiencing workplace harassment, wading through a messy divorce, or are still struggling not to feel like the scared little girl who experienced sexual abuse decades ago. This is your time to stop suffering. Stop being a victim. Stop letting those who have hurt you have a grip over your life. Stop struggling to merely survive.

The lessons you will learn from these stories of women who overcame extreme adversity, took the power back over their own story, and became victorious will inspire you to do the same.

Journey with us from the place where you are wounded, learn to survive, and then joyously claim victory over your specific situation as you learn to grab hold of life again and really start living—THRIVE!

