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Basic Math Multiplication Flash Cards: The Easiest Way to Master your Times Tables: Gregory Kishyk: Kindle Store


Book Description Free Ebook Download

Basic Math Multiplication Flash Cards: The Easiest Way to Master your Times Tables

Book Description

Becoming a pro at multiplying always comes in handy no matter what your age! Whether it be for a test, a job, or simply needing to know how much to buy while at the super market without having to take out a calculator!

With this EBook, learning to master your basic multiplication skills in math has never been so fun and easy!

This EBook has every multiplication number combination from your simple basic numbers, all the way to 12 x 12. Providing these flashcards makes these multiplications no more than mental math once mastered! After flipping through a couple times, you will find yourself instantly recognizing answers to some of these basic equations! This is what this EBook is here to do!

After a little practice and some hard work, it is only a matter of time before you find yourself breezing through this and becoming a master of multiplication!!!

