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Become the Confident Mom You‘ve Always Wanted to Be - 31 strategies to improve your confidence as a woman, mother, and family manager: Susan Heid: Kindle Store


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Become the Confident Mom You've Always Wanted to Be - 31 strategies to improve your confidence as a woman, mother, and family manager

Book Description

How many times have you felt something is lacking in your family life? You just can't keep up with the daily demands of managing a household, your priorities aren't on target, you never have time for yourself, and you wonder why you can't be more like the "super mom" next door that always seems to have her act together. You're feeling "less than," and it's negatively impacting your family.

Being a mom and family manager is a difficult and demanding job—one that often leaves moms questioning their decisions and abilities, ultimately lowering their self-confidence. But one must lead with confidence to earn respect and ensure that family values are not compromised by the many distractions a family might confront.

In her book, Become the Confident Mom You've Always Wanted to Be: 31 Strategies to Improve Your Confidence as a Woman, Mother, and Family Manager, author and parent coach Susan Heid explains how using these 31 essential strategies can help you guide your family with love, faith, a positive outlook, and confidence. This will help you achieve a more fulfilling family atmosphere and prepare your children to positively maneuver through life's many opportunities and challenges.

As you journey through the 31 strategies, you'll discover:

* Why it's important to develop a plan or vision for your family and how that plan, alongside your established priorities, can direct you down the path you desire as you encounter new choices each day.
* Why you need to tune in to your "motherly gifts" of intuition and wisdom.
* How your wellness plan can boost your confidence.
* Why you should "dress the part."
* Why it's important to have a routine, and how to be adaptable when necessary by planning for the unexpected.
* Why courage and humor should be in your arsenal of parenting tools.
* How to make sure your child receives your love.
* Why parenting should not be viewed as a competition.
* Why you should recognize your strengths and admit your weaknesses.
* Why you should get "plugged in" to God each day.
* What expectations do for your child.
* Why friendships with other moms should be a priority.
* And much more!

Become the Confident Mom You've Always Wanted to Be: 31 Strategies to Improve Your Confidence as a Woman, Mother, and Family Manager can help moms build positive family relationships through confident leadership and goal-focused decisions based on Christian values, consequently "making a difference" in their children's lives. Utilize these 31 strategies today to stop feeling "less than" and become the best woman, mother, and family manager you can be!

