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Power Muscle: How You Can Go From Skinny Fat To Ripped & Jacked: Steven J Reeves: Kindle Store


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Power Muscle: How You Can Go From Skinny Fat To Ripped & Jacked

Book Description

Are you one of the estimated 20 million guys who suffer from Skinny Fat Syndrome?

If you're not sure yet here's the test...

If you have pencil arms (like I did for most of my life) and if you lift up your shirt and you don't have a FULL set of abs… Just hanging belly or chest fat… then the answer is Yes.

In this exclusive Amazon Kindle edition… you're going to discover what took me years to figure out (and what I help my personal clients with each and every day)…

Exactly how to build muscle and eliminate embarrassing body fat for our unique Skinny Fat body type (especially if… like most Skinny Fat guys you've had trouble gaining muscle before).

Most of the advice out there doesn't work for us. I know this first hand. That's why I've created this special program to let you in on what works for OUR frustrating struggles.

I'll show you how to systematically destroy Skinny Fat Syndrome, pack on at least 12 pounds of muscle WHILE losing fat at the same time.

