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Survival Tin for Every Situation: Joe James: Kindle Store


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Survival Tin for Every Situation

Book Description

The survival tin is by no means a new concept, they have been used mainly by military personnel for many years. This book - Survival Tin for Every Situation - gives you a set of contents for your survival tin designed to help you survive after the incident is over.
The world weather is becoming more extreme with every passing year, floods seem to get deeper and more frequent, storms get more powerful and cause more damage, tsunamis seem more frequent and devastating. The chances of any one of us getting caught out by a freak weather event are getting greater. Add to that the possibilities of train and automobile wrecks, getting lost when out hiking - well the list seems endless.

If you take the trouble to prepare yourself for the worst you will be in a much better position to survive whatever misfortune fate has thrown your way.

By always having your survival tin and its contents with you, together with a few other survival essentials you can be one step ahead.

Read the book, add some of your own ideas, make up your survival tin, carry it always and increase your survival chances considerably.

