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Hidden: The Intimate Lives of Gay Men in History: Clinton Elliott: 9781938183096: Books


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Hidden: The Intimate Lives of Gay Men in History

Book Description

February 1, 2013 Readers will find joy and sorrow and pleasure and pain in these 400 biographies of men who were forced to live hidden lives.?All of them were caught in the tension between the torment of secrecy and the calamity of revelation.?How did they find joy and pleasure in their difficult lives??How indeed did they survive??As Clinton Elliott reveals in this engaging collection, some did, and some did not.?Among those who did was James Brooke, who sailed on his 142-ton schooner to the East Indies where he declared himself Rajah of Sarawak;?Lawrence of Arabia who?lead the great Arab Revolt against the Turks; and George Mallory, who climbed Everest. While focusing on individuals, the book also offers rich cultural and historical background, including the trial of those over-the-top transvestites Ernest Boulton 'Stella of the Strand' and Frederick 'Fanny' Park;?and a delightful description of the 5th Marquess of Anglesey as he parades along the boulevards of Paris rouged, powdered and perfumed, cradling an equally perfumed poodle festooned with pink ribbons. Hidden Lives offers a substantive and extensive look at men who have lived their lives in conflict with their sexuality.

