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Book Description
Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? Scientific Factors that Influence Intelligence is a compelling, meticulous observation of 150+ situations and substances that heighten or cripple the brain. Applying the myriad elements to three disparate cultures - Ashkenazi Jew, Confucian East Asian, and Sub-Saharan African - the author reveals how the factors critically impact cognitive development. The book successfully provides mental health guidance to individuals, families, communities, and policy-makers.Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? Scientific Factors that Influence Intelligence is efficiently organized and valuable to everyone, of any age, anywhere. The author's goal is to elevate the average IQ of humans everywhere on Earth because he believes this advance would benefit global peace and increase economic prosperity, secularism, liberalism, health, and technological advances. (This assertion has been fortified recently by Steven Pinker in his publication, The Better Angels of Our Nature.)
The first two chapters of Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? explore Ashkenazi Jewish IQ and East Asian "Confucian Nations" IQ, with numerous proposed explanations of their successes. The author's intention is to locate and pass along guidance gleaned from the Ashkenazi and East Asian cultures. He believes every nationality in the world would be proud to earn an equal proportional number of Nobel Prizes as the Ashkenazi Jews, for example, so he suggests that high-IQ societies be scrutinized for tips, clues, and secrets that propel them toward their accomplishments.
The third chapter details challenges faced in the Sub-Sahara, the world's poorest region in economics, human lifespan, and average IQ. Multiple factors are listed, especially in Nigeria, that are detrimental to human-brain potential. The author expresses his fervent hope that mentally-destructive conditions can be eliminated so Sub-Saharan citizens can enjoy equality in every category with the world's highest-ranked nations.
Chapters 4-8 of the book deliver the nuts 'n' bolts, axons 'n' dendrites aspect of the book's research. Listed here is information gleamed from combing through studies. The data, notes the author, can help readers from a multiplicity of backgrounds; it can guide you if:
* You are an expectant parent who wants to optimize prenatal and infancy cognitive conditions for your offspring
* You want to assist your school-age children in academic success
* You are an adult who wants to boost your intellectual strength
* You are 55+ years old and you don't want your brainpower to dwindle, via Alzheimer's, dementia, etc.
* You belong to an educational or governmental organization that provides mental-health guidance to a community. The ideas in the book can serve as an outline for policy.
The author's intention is to provide knowledge about what smartens and stupefies humanity, so that everyone can adopt a "high-IQ lifestyle" that enhances our brains and the brains of our children and the greater society. He hopes for a global 130-point IQ by 2045, where the "average" person is as discerning, knowledgeable, and inventive as today's Ivy League graduates. He notes that if this occurred, with the bell curve leaping up by two standard deviations, the number of the world's geniuses (IQ 145+) would skyrocket to 1.05 billion. There'd be a Chronic Intelligence Explosion, an Organic Singularity.
The author believes this enormous IQ jump is attainable, because 50% of our IQ is based on "environmental" factors. He believes humanity already has the ability to create mentally-enriching habitats that can substantially enlarge our IQs. Additionally, he asserts that our advancing strides in genetic engineering will further enable us to boost our cognitive abilities.